PBL Prep - Round 5

The next round of this year's Paul's Basement League (PBL) is just over a week away and I've got my work cut out for me. With an brave sense of determination, I've decided to completely change my list. Rather than Kaya some beasts and a handful of Bloodtrackers, I've decided to bring the "Boys of Orboros" to the next bout. Here is the list and the state of the union at the moment (I've got a lot of work to do):

Grayle the Farstrider (Assembled)
* Gorax (Needs highlights and basework)
* Warpwolf Stalker (Basecoated)
Druids of Orboros (Needs touch-up and highlights)
Shifting Stones (Finished)
Reeve Hunter (Primed)
War Wolf (Needs highlighting and basework)
Wolflord Morraig (Just assembled)


  1. Oh sure, switch up your tactics just as I was about to switch up mine and be better equipped to take you out. I see how it is =P

    In all honesty though I'm really looking forward to playing a game and having us both trying to figure out new strats. =)

    1. We need to just have 1 obligitory match every event. I'm looking forward to seeing your changes and all that stuff you've painted up!

  2. Update on the models:
    Grayle the Farstrider (basecoated)
    * Gorax (completely rebuilt with customization)
    * Warpwolf Stalker (no change)
    Druids of Orboros (touch-ups done)
    Shifting Stones (finished)
    Reeve Hunter (basecoated)
    War Wolf (no change)
    Wolflord Morraig (basecoated)
